Strengthening Cyber Resilience Through Proactive Testing and Strategic Solutions

Lynxes Solutions - Elevate Your Security Posture with Proven Penetration Testing Excellence

Lynxes Solutions offers comprehensive vulnerability assessment and penetration testing services to help organizations keep their data and systems safe from attack. Our team of security experts will work with you to identify potential vulnerabilities and recommend solutions to mitigate the risks. We also offer penetration testing services to simulate real-world attacks and test your organization’s ability to detect and respond to them

Our team of experienced security professionals will work with you to understand your unique environment and business needs, and then design and execute a customized testing plan that meet your specific requirements.

We offer both black box and white box testing services, as well as social engineering and physical security assessments. Our comprehensive approach ensures that we Cover all the bases and find any potential vulnerabilities that could jeopardize the security of your organization.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact Lynxes Solutions today to learn more about our penetration testing services and how we can help you secure your business.

Ethical Hacking to Prevent a Potential Intrusion

Lynxes Solutions offers complete penetration testing services designed to identify system vulnerabilities, validate existing security measures and provide a detailed remediation roadmap.

Our team, equipped with the latest tools and industry-specific test scenarios, is ready to deliver a thorough checkup to pinpoint syste vulnerabilities, as well as flaws in application, service and OS, loopholes in configurations, and potentially dangerous non-compliance with security policies.

Types of a penetration test we provide

3 Steps of a Penetration Test


At the end of the penetration testing procedure, we provide our customers with an extensive set of reports and recommendations to effectively eliminate the detected breaches:

Mobile Penetration Testing emulates the security breach or attack that is specifically targeting a custom mobile application (iOS and/or Android) and try to enumerate all weaknesses within the applications that could lead to a data loss.

Lynxes Solutions Pen test experts are highly trained and experienced. our pen testers during the test, (the security experts specialized in pen testing) intercept the traffic between the mobile application and the API. They verify how the request is written, they add elements, modify fields, and receive more information in order to protect the data.

For the mobile application, our team tested:

And for the API and the server, we test:

The results of the tests are recorded and reported. We document very precisely what has been tested and what was found. The developers will be using the report to remediate the vulnerabilities.

It’s mostly a technical report. Everything that was tested is listed, and its details:

The vulnerabilities are rated by taking into consideration the probability and potential impact. Our professional team conduct the test to eliminate the following vulnerabilities if discover during the test.

Ten mobile penetration testing Vulnerabilities

Benefits of Mobile Penetration Testing

A network penetration test is the process of identifying security vulnerabilities in applications and systems by using various techniques to evaluate the network’s security, or lack of responses.

Acting as an in-depth test of the network, the network penetration test will allow businesses to better understand their network baseline, to test their network and system security controls, prevent attacks and breaches, and ensure network security in the future.p>

A network penetration test is typically performed when a business has a mature security posture, or they believe they have strong security measures in place. The primary objectives to perform the

Network penetration testing is to protect the data, ensure overall security, compliance requirements and continued maintenance. Our Pentesters perform the following 4 steps for a successful penetration test as well as ensuring the overall network security of the organisation.

Step 1: Information Gathering and Client Expectations Step 2: Reconnaissance and Discovery Step 3: Performing the Network Penetration Test Step 4: Reporting, Recommendations, And Remediation

  • We offer the Black box and white box testing services to our clients and ensure that our comprehensive approach will uncover the potential vulnerabilities that could compromise the security of the Organization.

Black Box Testing

A network penetration test that is performed from the position of an average hacker, with minimal internal knowledge of the system or the network, is known as black box testing. This type of test is typically the quickest as it employs tools to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in the outward-facing network.

Black Box Testing

A network penetration test that is performed from the position of an average hacker, with minimal internal knowledge of the system or the network, is known as black box testing. This type of test is typically the quickest as it employs tools to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in the outward-facing network.

    Benefits of Performing Network Pen testing

API penetration testing is an ethical hacking process to assess the security of the API design. API tests involve attempting to exploit identified issues and reporting them to strengthen the API to prevent unauthorized access or a data breach.

Our comprehensive API pen testing services will help you ensure that your API endpoints are designed and configured according to best practices. Our report will provide an analysis of the current functionality of your API to ensure they are safely supporting your web application or mobile application. Through this type of security testing, you will readily see how API endpoint vulnerabilities can impact your business, including specific detail on how the Confidentiality, Availability, and Integrity of your systems could be impacted. The results of our security testing will help you prioritize which vulnerabilities to consider for immediate remediation and how best to use your budget to maximize strength and resilience in your cybersecurity posture.

Our API pen testing services consist of manual testing and automated testing. While automated testing enables efficiency, it effectively provides efficiency only during the initial phases of a penetration test. At Red Team Security, we believe that an effective and comprehensive penetration test can only be realized through rigorous manual testing techniques.

Benefits of API Penetration testing

Web application penetration testing is the practice of simulating attacks on a system in an attempt to gain access to sensitive data, with the purpose of determining whether a system is secure. These attacks are performed either internally or externally on a system, and they help provide information about the target system, identify vulnerabilities within them, and uncover exploits that could actually compromise the system. It is an essential health check of a system that informs testers whether remediation and security measures are needed.

We adopt the following key steps to performing penetration testing on web applications so that anticipated results can be achieved with respect to Web application security.

1) Planning Phase

During the planning phase, we define the scope, timeline, and testing target, determine the scope of the target environment, and develop the communications procedures. Additionally, application pages are also tested to perform either internal or external testing or both.

We also strictly focus upon the timeline for the whole process. This ensures that the assessment doesn’t drag out and timely security controls can be put into place to strengthen the defence for application.

2) Pre-Attack Phase

In this phase, reconnaissance is carried out which is important for paving the way for the next phase of testing and any other information available publicly that can be used against the organisation.

We perform port scanning, service identification, vulnerability assessment, etc. in this phase of testing.

3) Attack Phase

During the attack phase, we do vulnerability detection, scanning, service identification, and exploit the vulnerabilities found in the last phase

4) Post-Attack Phase

After the penetration testing is complete, a full detailed report is generated. This report can vary due to the type of application that is pen-tested. Generally, the penetration testing report includes a list of vulnerabilities, an analysis of the finding, proposed remediations, and a conclusion.

Benefits of Web Application Pen Testing

    There are several key benefits to incorporating web application penetration testing into a security program.


At the end of the penetration testing procedure, we provide our customers with a set of reports and recommendations to effectively eliminate the detected breaches:

Red teams refer to the “ethical hackers” who assist test an enterprise’s defenses by identifying vulnerabilities and launching attacks in a controlled environment. Red teams are opposed by defenders called blue teams, and both parties work together to provide a comprehensive picture of organizational security readiness.

Our Red Team professionals have many years experienced in their domain and have provided services to clients efficiently. Our Red Team focuses upon having right conditions, setting clear objectives, getting right tools, supporting team and focus on key issues in order to perform their challenging responsibilities effectively.

In the context of information security, red team security testing is best conceived as “ethical hacking.” An independent security team (the red team) poses as an attacker in order to gauge vulnerabilities and risk within a controlled environment.

Red team tests are designed to expose vulnerabilities associated not only with security infrastructure (networks, routers, switches, etc.) but also with people and even physical locations.

Amidst a red team test, skilled security operatives typically launch a variety of attacks leveraging the weaknesses within any of these elements. Standard techniques deployed include social engineering, phishing attempts, penetration tests, and tools such as packet sniffers and protocol analyzers.

Before the attacks commence, a red team commences by learning as much as it can about the intended target. Information is collected by identifying the network infrastructure, operating systems in use, vulnerable ports and other factors. Once this reconnaissance is complete, the red team has enough information to develop a network map and a broader idea of the attack paths and techniques that are likely to succeed.

Benefits of Red Team


Purple teams provide a holistic approach to cyber security practice, prioritizing both the offensive and defensive tactics to keep organization assets secure. The role of purple teams is to give organizations a connected unit between red and blue teams.

The purple team is designed as a feedback bridge between the red and blue teams, modifying their approach to be more proactive, direct and in the end, more effective in terms of an organization’s overall security posture. The Purple team is a security practice which allows for sharing of intelligence data between the Red Team and Blue Team, supporting real-time feedback and communicating their insights with one another.

Purple Team Best Practices

If an organization is looking into improving its current red team and blue team practices by implementing Purple Team, the following steps should be considered.

Make sure everyone is in the right role

Collaboration and communication are key points, and it’s vital for both teams to share their findings and assist each other, you should never expect red teamers to engage in the full vulnerability management process nor to hold the Blue Team responsible as expert hackers.

Establishing clear roles and expectations for each team, while keeping communication open goes far in ensuring a successful Purple Team methodology.

Never skip planning

In order to acquire the most benefit from the exercise, start by concisely defining goals. if the organization is working on improving security alerts, or on security policies and processes as well as verifying how well employees can protect themselves against social engineering.

Track and revise the process

Before implementing the security remediations, revise, verify and track each step clearly, assess every task before moving on to the next, and always follow up.

Benefits of Purple Team

Our professional Purple Team is fully trained and experienced and has delivered services to clients successfully.

Wireless testing refers to the assessment of the configuration and deployment of wireless networks and devices in order to ensure that only the intended end users may utilise the network and associated services.

Testing uses a combination of wireless signal scanning of access points and the configuration reviews of wireless controllers to ensure the wireless networks are correctly configured, preventing the access of unauthorised users. Wireless Security testing is bespoke depending on the goal or outcome you wish to achieve, therefore there is no off-the-shelf price for a wireless penetration test.

For each project, we will technically scope your requirements and establish the time needed to complete the work. We will then provide a detailed proposal and breakdown of costs and options

Our team possess several of years valuable experience conducting a wider range of government and commercial tests and always aims to go the extra mile for our customers.

The Strategies and Tools of Wireless Security Testing

Our wireless penetration testers carry out a range of tests against the wireless local area network (WLAN) and wireless access points (WAP).

The goal of wireless penetration testing is four-fold:

Wireless Security Testing Methodology

The Wireless testing methodology comprised of five phases. Our professional team perform this methodology in a professional manner so that security loopholes can be discovered and rectified by applying technical security measures to avoid any data breaches.

The Information Gathering

The information-gathering phase of a wireless network security test consists of network enumeration, identifying the SSIDs (network names) in scope and in range of your Wi-Fi network.

Threat Modeling

With the information collected during Information Gathering, security testing transitions to threat modelling where assets are identified and categorized into threat categories.

Vulnerability Analysis

The vulnerability analysis step in a wireless penetration test involves the review, documenting and analysis of vulnerabilities discovered as a result of information gathering and threat modelling.


The Exploitation phase of a wireless penetration test involves establishing access to the wireless network, and potentially your internal network, through the bypassing of security controls and exploitation of vulnerabilities in order to determine their real-world risk


The reporting step is intended to provide actionable results to the project stakeholders. Red Team will compile, document and risk rate findings and generate a clear, actionable report, complete with evidence, for project stakeholders.

Benefits of Wireless Security Testing

Wireless testing gives assurance on the security of your internal wireless networks, devices and users as below: Access – Ensure your wireless network cannot be accessed or compromised from outside your premises. Separation – Ensure guest or public hotspot users cannot access non-intended internal networks. Configuration – Ensure your access points, controllers and devices are securely configured. Deployment – Ensure that only authorized access points are deployed and no rogue access points have been installed.


We deliver a complete penetration testing or vulnerability assessment report for infrastructure testing, which covers the following: Executive management summary – Non- technical overview of issues for management board level Detailed technical findings – A complete list of all issues identified during the test. Affected hosts – A list of all affected wireless hosts/SSIDs/configuration settings discovered during the penetration test. Risk level – Impact, likelihood and overall risk ratings are listed clearly and concisely for each issue. Examples – Output or screenshots to demonstrate the issue. Recommendations – Recommendations of how to remediate the issues are also given.